Jenay's World

Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Lying in bed last night contemplating things and realised theres so much to be thankful for, even if they are little things...

Thankful for...

Friends - amazing people, they support, listen and encourage!

Children- as a casual teacher i find it hard sometimes getting through the days, theres no team work involved and because youre not part of the staff people see you as an outsider. Its also hard when you want to evaluate your day but theres no structured feedback. Yet when a kid heads home and leaves you with "Will you be back tomorrow? Cos i think youre a nice teacher" it makes it seem all worthwhile.

Rain! - It can be a hassle when theres too much of it but lately our lands have been so dry and parched. I never realised how much i missed smelling the refreshing rain! The wet earth after a storm, the smell of healthy grass while being mowed.

Grass - weird i know but ive missed seeing green grass! its been brown for too long.

Family- theyre not always perfect but mine have pretty much always been there for me. In a way i guess ive been lucky/ blessed. Theyve helped mould me into the person i am today.

Creativity - i love workin with my hands and am thankful that i have this gift. But i also look around and notice the wonder of Gods creativity! A few weeks ago i had the pleasure of holding a baby blue tongue, they are gorgeous! At the moment theres so many baby skinks frisking around in our yard, spiders who can weave some amazing webs and dragonflies with colours too numerous to mention! And to think its all been made by our Creator!

God - If it wasnt for him none of this would be here. I wouldnt be here. He alone has the ability to create so much diversity. I mean think about it, there are millions of people in this world and each one of us has a unique fingerprint, how awesome is that.. its almost incomprehensible! Our God can give and love so much even to the point of sacrificing his own son for us who were undeserving. Us... mere mortals who deserve nothing. My God is a truly awe inspiring one. And i cant wait till i can meet him in person!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Wordy Nerd!

After years of reading soooo many books, too numerous to mention i have learnt a thing or two. Perhaps because of this i've developed a love of writing (and now typing). Is that so wrong?? Since when has it been a crime to voice ones own opinions??

It seems my blogs are very wordy.... and for that reason alone that makes me nerdy....

Now whoever wrote that comment obviously dont know any true nerds. I for one can easily name a few. If you want to meet some real nerds give us a holler and il happily point the way!

Me nerd?!?!?! NEVER!! Thats just laughable...

Friday, February 09, 2007

God's gift to humanity

Imagine the Lord talking French! Aside from the few odd words in Hebrew, i took it for granted that God had never spoken anything but the most dignified English. Clarence Day, Life with Father

Last night as usual i was chatting to a friend about random things and somehow or other we manage to start discussing what makes a word a word. I know some of you may go uh-oh this is going to be boring, oh well i thought it was interesting... Actually it got me thinking. Back in the old days of uni i studied Linguistics and i must say apart from the dodgy teacher that embarrassed me in front of the lecture group i really enjoyed the subject!! I think a love of reading and learning has a huge part to play in this.

Anyway so i dragged out my text book and actually read a bit of it!! Amazing! Anyway in the book i came across the quote i mentioned earlier. And its so true! When i read Gods word i dont really think about how he communicated to his people, as in what language. I mean i know they didnt speak english as we do but i dont know i guess its something we dont really think about all the time and so we really do take it for granted.
Lately though i must say ive been knuckling down in my quiet times and pulling apart verses and stuff and so i do end up reading the footnotes and stuff, i even bought a bible dictionary and i found it really really interesting! Reading about different measurements, how different places got their names, how people got their names... ok so can be boring...

But yes back to the initial question, what can be categorised as a word? The word 'is' came up in my discussion and im like 'is' is ony worth two letters, shouldnt really be worthy of being called a word, and yet there it is in the dictionary. Even more amazing is the word 'a' yes it really is a word! Go check it out in the dictionary!! Seems like even the smallest things in life arent left out. But i suppose it makes sense really i mean we use a in most of our sentences....

Then my friend said something like 'Couldnt every letter in our (26 letter) alphabet be a word?'

At first i said no. But later on lying in bed it got me thinking, i reckon the true answer is yes! And il show you how...

a some, another, one, any
b to exist, have reality - To b or not to b that is the question; a type of buzzing animal
c the blue stuff which ships sail on, the act of being able to view things
d a contracted form of had and would (ok so im grasping at straws here :P)
e a reference to the male person spoken by someone who has a tendency to leave of the 'h' sound eg "E 'as a brain!"
f in case that, granting or supposing that, whether... spoken by someone with a kiwi accent - "F you are going out..."
g a word mentioned when someone is skeptical about something - "G i dunno!"
h the beginnings of a weird sneeze - HCHOO!
i the round white ball in the socket of your skull with a coloured iris
j any number of Australian birds
k a shortened form of ok
l a reference to that really hot place down under spoken by the person mentioned above who has a tendency to leave off their h's - "Bloody 'ell"
m a word said when thinking about something - "(e)M i think so..."
n with, along with - the boy n girl
o a surprised utterance - 'O my goodness!'
p a natural bodily function
q a long line found most commonly during post Christmas sales
r present indicative plural of the verb b
s a colloquial reduction of is, has, does, us
t something we drink and is grown in India
u anyone in general
v an english speaking French refering to themselves and someone else - "V are going to ze moviez"
w two people :P
x the person who is no longer part of your half
y a questioning of something in particular 'Y am i writing this stuff?'
z a person suffering from a bad case of the flu regaling a message to someone - 'E z to rig 'ib back' (Translation 'he said to ring him back'

So yes Yvonne every letter in our alphabet can be a word, it's just knowing how!
You were right after all, you were/are a secret brain child!!


Sunday, February 04, 2007


So yesterday i was talking to a friend about weddings because shes getting married.........

We were talking about the dress (surprise surprise) and i happened to mention

"Dont forget to wear something old something new something borrowed something blue!"

Her reply: How do you wear something blue??

Good question indeed!!

And so i got to thinking why are there some traditions like these?? Like throwing the bouqet?? WHY?? It seems that apparantly if you catch the flowers youre the next to get married :P Must be why i stand there like a stunned mullet shaking my head at the futile attempts of other women pushing and shoving just to get a bunch of flowers. ITS JUST A BUNCH OF FLOWERS!! Dear oh dear !! When it comes time for the bride to toss the flowers its like a womens version of rugby! And the worst offenders are the older women!!! Tsk tsk


It seems the men cant stand seeing women have all the fun so they want something thrown at them too! :P
There is a tradition, though thankfully its a dying act. You see theres this thing called a garter which the groom is suppose to throw back for the boys. Whichever lucky (or unlucky) guy catches it he will also be the next to marry! Ive only been to one wedding where thats happened.......... actually no i remember now ive been to two! And HAHA we have one of them :P But its being used as a headband on a toy panda HEEHEE!! Funny!

And garters bring me back to the rhyme i mentioned earlier, the something old something new business. How do you wear blue?? Well apparantly the garter is meant to have blue on it. Im serious! call me sad, but i even looked it up. My curiosity got the better of me! AND i also found theres another little bit of the rhyme i didnt know. Youre also supposed to have a silver sixpence in your shoe.......... hmmmmmmmmmm would it really be that comfortable??

THe site i looked at had some other interesting things, most were eye rolling and downright silly. BUT there was one or two others that caught my attention and i laughed something silly ;D It has to do with throwing shoes. Yes you read right THROWING SHOES AT WEDDINGS!! Now theres something you dont see too often.

It seems that old shoes were thrown at the bride and groom by guests for good luck. Dating back to tudor times if the shoes hit the happy couple or their carriage good luck was bestowed upon them! The bride could also throw shoes to girls... has the same meaning behind throwing the bouqet.
And in Anglo saxon times it was ok for the groom to strike his bride with a shoe to signify his authority. Hmmm not exactly a great start to married life. If a guy hit me with a shoe id smack him so bad! Serves him right!

Now boys if you happen to be reading this dont go getting any ideas. Besides shoes can have feet germs!

But my favourite would be the father of the bride throwing the shoe after the groom. This is supposed to be a sign of the father handing the responsibility of his daughter over to the groom. How weird.

I think i like my version better:
The groom sweeps the girl of her feet and runs out (if he can manage it) to the car or wherever. The father of the bride takes off his shoe and with a strong arm and precise aim throws his shoe only to hit the groom squarely on the head, knocking him out cold!! Then he mutters " Thats what you get for taking my girl away!"

Ahhh weddings they make me laugh! At least you cant leave a wedding on an empty stomach :D