Jenay's World

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Busyness and the end of yr slump...

My my the last week has been somewhat hectic. Not that im at all surprised, after all it IS the silly season and well life just gets generally silly to say the least!!

Last week finally saw the last of school for this year. I must say i found the last day quite emotional. There werent too many dry eyes at days end.. what with a very moving assembly in the morning farewelling 3 hardworking teachers, and the avo saying goodbye to the year 6's. *SNIFF* those yr 6's have a spesh spot in my heart.. why? i hear you ask, well it only seems like yesterday, back in the dark days of uni, that i was plodding through my few weeks of prac teaching the then littlies.. they were in yr 1 and my have they grown.. Geee that makes me sound real old doesnt it, almost like a parent *sniff* goodness knows what i'll be like when i really do have my own kids... an emotional wreck no doubt! But yes theyve flown off into the scary world of high school. They were a great bunch of children and no doubt school will be somewhat different without them. Though i must say every yr group despite their oddities and faults do tend to leave a mark of some sort ;)

Anyways that was last week, a week of watching movies, videos, dvds and well do bugger all really. Whos insane idea was it to keep kids in school right up to Christmas anyways?!?!?! grrr they should be shot :P

At least now i can say i am on holidays and so far so good though somewhat hectic as i mentioned earlier.
Friday night saw me pig out on more food than the other half (amazing!) till i was almost asleep.
Then saturday morning it was rise and shine, bright and early for a crazy day of last minute xmas shopping. Kids screaming just make me cringe *shudder* why cant parents just teach their kids not to make so much noise in shopping malls?? i wasnt at all like that! Sheesh!!
So after nearly 4 hrs of umming and ahhing over what to buy and what not to buy, encountering ridiculously long lines (and i do mean loooooooooooooooooooong lines) not to mention frustrating and sometimes rude checkout chicks i finally made it home with armloads of pressies for the special people in my life!

I would have liked to have plopped down on a comfy couch and dozed off for an hr or two but alas alack i was off to a partay that night and i had a bit of cooking planned for a special someone. So after lots of instructions from my beloved parents the cooking started but grr cooking takes time (duh) and i had to frock up for the shindig. Yikes!! Somehow or other i got ready, can you believe it i actually made an effort :P complete with skirt, angelic wings and sparkly, tinsly headgear, twas very itchy i must add! But sadly the cooking wasnt complete. Supermum to the rescue, she managed to get it finished for me so that when i arrived home later that night yummy smells of empanadas wafted throught the humble abode.

So the party went off without a hitch. I was no help whatsoever when it came to the trivia quiz, the food was yum though, kris kringle a funny affair, some creative gear in the costume department, oh how could i forget the arm wrestling matches but best of all the company was fab! All had a good time at least that was my impression of it and never thought id say this but i am looking forward to next yrs party! Ive got a whole yr to figure out the bestest costume :P TEEHEE

Then next day was up bright and early yet again to wrap all the pressies then out all avo on an informative walk. Which led to a dinner where i ate waaaaaaay too much fried rice... humph and to think i lost a bet :P Boys are silly anyways but i still reckon i could have eaten it all... too much water before hand and too much salt spoiling what could have been a good appetite! :P seriously i could have won!!

Xmas eve was a quiet affair especially considering by then my sore throat, which made its presence felt on sat morning, decided to manifest itself into some nasty cough and hack and well i think u got the general idea so all i wanted to do was sit and veg and sleep .. though i think i did manage to play my fiddle til i blistered my finger tips.. you know the saying no pain no gain!

Yesterday bleh.. lots of food, lots of people, still more food, a room full of wrapping paper, yet more food ending in an overindulged slump around 830 pm :P Seriously today i feel like an overfed pig. And no wonder if i keep eating pork.. ooo but my apple sauce theres always room for that! :D i reckon i put on a coupla kilos yesterday alone.. thank goodness for Cowra and its insane heat! I could probably sweat it all out! BRING IT ON!

As for the rest of the week who cares is what i say, im on hols and dont plan on doing much tho i do have a tad to do before i leave for cowra, *sigh* last yr folks!! Then its adios Adeos :P HEHEHE Still got a bit of time though, thank goodness, and then itl be an intense week, not just physically but emotionally too. Sharing the gospel with so many people can be mind boggling but God is always there guiding us. Its often a scary thought when thinkin abt cowra and the anxiety i get doesnt help either, but once im there i know itl be full pelt all the way til saturday and before i know it i'l be packed into a car heading back home to my beloved house of comfort, loving family and somewhat normal weather, if this summer is what youd call normal!
But yes thats next week, i plan on getting reasonably better first, getting my stuff written and perfected (*snort* as if!) THEN il worry about goin away. Argh im making myself tired just stressing over all this now :P

Anyways my lids want to close and i reckon they know best so try not to do what i did and overeat on tasty rich food...

God bless ya smelly sox peeps!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Good times


Can i say im on cloud 9?? i dunno but i do know ive closed a door and another has opened in which there is a world full of surprises happiness and fun times!

I wont say too much cos this isnt the place for it, but my family has noticed a marked change in my mood (for the better i must add) and this good influence has seen me religiously cleaning my room as well as other parts of the house... since when have i been known to do that!?!

Anyways for once i can see carpet, even if its not a great colour but ahh the space! I'd kinda forgotten just how much room i do have!

*sigh* im so looking forward to the holidays.. only another 3 more days left for the year! WOOHOO!! And bonus i get to see a movie with the kids tomorrow! Coolies! The down side of having to work til late in the year is that i dont get much time to do christmas shopping... there goes my saturday this weekend which is followed by what is supposed to be a smashing party.. Somebody please tell me what i should dress up as?!?! Or better yet.. should i even dress up?!?! ARGH decisions decisions! Why couldnt life be a little more simpler?

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Lifes full of little surprises!

Two weeks left to go! Im so counting down the days... Its weird tho i mean while i havent worked everyday i feel like lifes been rolling by like a barrell down a hill! And im crying out for a STOP!

Thankfully though in two weeks i can begin to relax a bit more. Even if i have to sit through the Christmas ritual and new years madness... At least i can sorta stay home and bum which is what im very good at!

The last few days have seen me somewhat surprised for reasons i wont mention here, but its comforting to know God is in control and he is listening to every word i say!

Last week was a bit of a crappy week for me, wasnt feeling at all 100% so missed out on bible study :( spent most of monday in a zombie like state, lost my appetite for most days and ive found out today ive lost almost 2 kilos! While that might be a nice thought, it actually isnt cos it just goes to show how much id been eating... not a whole lot! But thankfully by Friday nite i was almost back to normal and so pigged out on risotto! YUM!

Ive also been feeling the need to do a bit of a 'spring clean' in my room. My folks are almost shocked, for once they can see the carpet! :P HEHE but yes im almost there, cleared most of the lego town away today too, never realised how much i had and boy had i forgotten just how much dust and crap the stuff collects! Annoying to say the least! But hey i look at it as a kind of future investment, while parents will be forking out a fortune for the plastic product in future, il be smiling at the savings i made in the days of my youth while watching my kids sift through boxes of the stuff! ;) I know for a fact Lego is about to become more expensive... not very comforting to thine ears!
So thats a chapter closed for now at least!

I dragged out my violin today and enjoyed scraping out of tune notes for a bit over an hour. OK so my playing is a bit rusty at the moment but seriously do you have any idea how hard it is to tune strings when theyve been left in the case under the desk for i dont know how many months? Worse when the peg for the E string is tight as and youre too scared to put too much pressure on it cos you notice the E is almost at breaking point.. why is it that the E is always the first to break?! Or rather the only one that seems to break?! Grrr! Looks like im going to have to get a new string (theyre not cheap) Knowing me i'll prolly get the others too in case of emergency, it isnt fun playing happily when all of a sudden SNAP and youre whacked in the face by an evil string! The joys of a violinist!

On another note for those who dont know im finally heading off to Europe next yr! YAY! Cant wait! I am a bit anxious/ nervous about it all cos i havent done the whole travelling thing yet but hey people say il have fun and i aim to have fun! Still got a few things to sort out but im off peoples for 4 long weeks! You guys better miss me! HEHE Itll be good to see my dear ol cuz tho, also to see his girls who no doubt have grown much taller than i.. *sigh* why was it that i had to remain small?! Anyways i still have to wait about 5 months before i jet off! Plenty of time for me to get used to the idea ;)

Well its been a grizzly old day (what is it with this bizarro weather?) but im off to finish my work then reward myself with sounds from Bond. Boy do i love that group!

So long peoples!