Jenay's World

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Battle with arachnids...

I had been pondering a grey mass for some time now, it wasn't just any mass! It was thick, wispy, no doubt sticky to some and home to well a spider of a kind. Just exactly what i had no idea.

Armed with a long handled broom that had seen better days i set about destroying the cosiness of this humble home. Foolishly i did not think perhaps this home was in fact concealing a NEST of spiders! It was like arachnophobia all over again! Don't get me wrong i dont have a fear of spiders perse but well when they outnumber me by like 100 to 1 i don't think i'd want to be anywhere near!

Into the house i dashed, grabbed the good ol' can of Pea Beu thinking "hit 'em high, hit 'em low, hit 'em with the ol' pea beu". Out i ran spraying those horrible little things (i still had no idea what sort they were) and they were EVERYWHERE!! You know when spiders decide it's time to leave home and they spin out a thread so the wind can pick them up and take them to a new home? Well they started doing this. Unluckily for me the wind was blowing my way! And so yes i got covered *sigh*, the battle was not over, oh no my friend it had only just begun!

I stamped, i slapped, i shook and yes i think i even squealed, much to the amusement of others. They were not going to make their new home on me!

Well after a time (a sticky one i might add) i had finally gotten rid of most of them, well those i could see anyway and then i began to inspect what was left of the grey mass. Now don't think i was silly enough to go poking in there with a stick, please im not that daft! When i say inspect i mean just simply stare at it making sure nothing was moving before i once again made use of the broom.

If i could hear spiders feet moving im sure that is exactly what i would have heard. As i stared and waited something began to move. The way the web moved and jerked about told me this aint no baby spider, this is the mother of spiders!! It was HUGE, it was BLACK, it looked poisonous (i wasnt going to get bitten to find out though), and it looked like it needed to be killed! Sorry to those who love spiders but this was one that wasnt going to see the end of day. Out my trusty spray can came, alas it was just about finished and was not making the least bit of difference!

Once again i raced into the house and grabbed can number 2. This time it wasnt pea beu, this time it was "more smart, more safe, MORTEIN!" (Louies favourite brand). So i sprayed, and i sprayed and still that spider ran around! It began to run away. I hunted it down, this was one creature who wasnt getting off so easily, i found it again i sprayed squarely onto its body then "klunk" it landed on the down pipe before it fell onto the ground. Who's the bigger one now?! I think by this stage it was getting a little sick but i was not satisifed.

I still had one more use for my broom. I thumped it countless times until i was sure it was winded, the legs curled up and it lay on its back, still, silent...dead. (Just to make sure though, i poked it with a long stick and squashed it a little)

And so once again goodness prevailed... or did it? Such a cruel death to a tiny creature. The things we do...

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Do we really live in a caring world?

Hmm ok so i didnt make it to the beach last tuesday :( Yes, yes ive been working, but im not complaining. There is much more to life than a simple day out.

But once again i find myself at home with, well not a lot to do really, i could go out but nah weather isnt too nice. This is the perfect day to curl up with a mug of coffee and watch a good movie, or on the other hand ponder things one has learnt recently.

Last sunday in church we started a new topic on Ephesians 4. The question posed to us was "Are we a caring community?" Immediately my mind filled with well that would depend on how you look at things.

You see living in a country such as ours many people tend to take it for granted that we do have an easy life. We live in a place where we have freedom and follow our beliefs whatever they may be. Simply be ourselves. Some may see this as the basis for being indeed a caring community, by respecting others. But i ask are we really?

I mean sure when something disastrous happens, like the recent tsunami terror, everyone jumps at the ready giving what they can, be it clothes, money, food, etc or those who venture out there to help by rebuilding communities, and attending those with medical issues. Dont get me wrong ive got no problems with that, yet sometimes i think well hang on what about those here, in our own towns and cities? Dont they deserve a helping hand too?

Some of the "those" i am talking about are the homeless that wait on corners in our cities, waiting for someone to give them a coin simply so they can buy something to comfort themselves. Im sure we've all walked past these people, i know i have - that's right im not claiming to be perfect, yet it does make me wonder. Would it hurt too much just to toss a coin into their waiting hand? After all we live in a community which spends more on our wants than our needs. Heck even a simple cappucino costs more than 2 bucks these days!

If the God i know could send his one and only son to take the punishment for us, to risk his life just so we can be right with God, why cant we simply give a little of what we have? All these material possessions we have, they wont last, they wont make us happy, they wont make us live forever nor indeed have the perfect life! Is there such a thing as perfection? No way, its just not humanly possible.

Some may ask what can we do then to be more like that caring God? Well we can start by helping each other. Supporting each other so that our world can grow together, be loving, patient and accepting others for who they are despite their faults, simply uniting as one! Dont waste time pondering over lifes little problems. Its time to look at the bigger picture and see where we are going as a whole. I dont think its ever too late to start being truly caring.

So i am left with the hope that there is some good in this world and that we've each been placed here so that we can make things happen. Sure it wont happen over night, nor am i expecting every problem in this world to be resolved but as they say every little bit helps. I think only when we start looking beyond ourselves can we hope and make our world a caring unity.

Monday, February 07, 2005

Back to work...

I know i know i havent written in a while but well thats just me!

So last week was first back at school for most, luckily i managed to get another week of holidays in until this morning!

Sometime while i was drifting from deep slumber to semi-awakeness the phone rang. At first i thought ah its just part of a dream, but it seemed to get louder with each new ring. YIKES! it was the phone and alas my holidays were over! So my working year started once again! Well i loko on the bright side at least im getting paid and no longer have to worry about spending with no income .. man i hate that feeling!

Anyway the kids were ok i guess, well no half the class were fine but the other half well theyre like worms when u pull them out of the ground! THEY CANT SIT STILL!! See a teacher once said the perfect classroom is one which has enough corners for each student. So if you had 27 kids then the room should have 27 corners! Sadly architects never got around to designing fanciful rooms so we're stuck with the simple 4 cornered room. Man those corners get a work out! Im surprised they dont replace the carpet more often!

At least the kindies are cute (not that i had them), though i dont even think i got to eat my own recess while on duty. Why mothers pack lunches which require adults to open the packaging for them is beyond me! Its actually quite a disgusting job. You see what people dont realise is that before the child asks you to open a packet of something, theyve tried unsuccessfully with their teeth! And so of course there is bound to be some saliva on the packaging so yes of course we teachers must disinfect our hands when the bell rings! Can someone please remind me for the umpteenth time why i chose this profession?!

Aah well perhaps tomorrow will be a better day! If all goes to plan ill get a tan while doing absolutely nothing on the beach! Yes casual teaching does have its benefits! You can have days off when ever you want and you get the weekends too! How good is that! So yes its off to coogee beach, out in the middle of nowhere. No wait that is where i live, in the middle of nowhere! At least thats what many people who know me say!

Alright i confess I LIVE IN THE STICKS!! Happy now?! Sheesh the things i gotta do for friends!!

Well think ill get something for this headache that has crept up on me like the mist from the sea... Until then wait in suspense for my next little adventure... or not!