Jenay's World

Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Lying in bed last night contemplating things and realised theres so much to be thankful for, even if they are little things...

Thankful for...

Friends - amazing people, they support, listen and encourage!

Children- as a casual teacher i find it hard sometimes getting through the days, theres no team work involved and because youre not part of the staff people see you as an outsider. Its also hard when you want to evaluate your day but theres no structured feedback. Yet when a kid heads home and leaves you with "Will you be back tomorrow? Cos i think youre a nice teacher" it makes it seem all worthwhile.

Rain! - It can be a hassle when theres too much of it but lately our lands have been so dry and parched. I never realised how much i missed smelling the refreshing rain! The wet earth after a storm, the smell of healthy grass while being mowed.

Grass - weird i know but ive missed seeing green grass! its been brown for too long.

Family- theyre not always perfect but mine have pretty much always been there for me. In a way i guess ive been lucky/ blessed. Theyve helped mould me into the person i am today.

Creativity - i love workin with my hands and am thankful that i have this gift. But i also look around and notice the wonder of Gods creativity! A few weeks ago i had the pleasure of holding a baby blue tongue, they are gorgeous! At the moment theres so many baby skinks frisking around in our yard, spiders who can weave some amazing webs and dragonflies with colours too numerous to mention! And to think its all been made by our Creator!

God - If it wasnt for him none of this would be here. I wouldnt be here. He alone has the ability to create so much diversity. I mean think about it, there are millions of people in this world and each one of us has a unique fingerprint, how awesome is that.. its almost incomprehensible! Our God can give and love so much even to the point of sacrificing his own son for us who were undeserving. Us... mere mortals who deserve nothing. My God is a truly awe inspiring one. And i cant wait till i can meet him in person!


  • Jen
    Long time no blog - hope you are okay. Update soon, or hope we can catch up sometime.

    By Blogger Therese, at 6:53 PM  

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