Jenay's World

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Its been almost a month...

Hmmmm.... seems i've neglected my "blog" for some time.

Thanks to some reminders thought id post again just for the heck of it.

Anyways what have i been doing i hear u ask? well apart from working the odd day not a lot actually! I know a boring life i lead though there are soem things that do stand out.

Like yesterday. While I was busy rushing around getting myself organised for the day i had just placed a pile of sheets on the teachers desk when i jumped back in fright. Well perhaps fright is not the word i would use.. Shock perhaps?? Whatever, there just happened to be a very dead frog in a jar of some unknown liquid. Seriously how many teachers do u know keep a dead frog with eyes turned white on their desks?!?! What ever is the world coming to!

So that was yesterday, nothing more needs to be said cos the kids were terrible... today though another group of kids the same age but boy were they so much nicer!! :D And i even got to do craft/ art with them :D:D TO those who know me well my love for doing arty stuff doesnt go ignored.. being a casual though one rarely gets teh chance to share their passion, and yet this group was awesome that i decided heck lets break new ground and attempt an afternoon craft lesson!

Soon there were 27 colourful parrots with tails fluttering in the breeze! It added a very nice touch to the room and no doubt the teacher will be impressed! there is nothing like a room full of inspirational colourful work, yes even if it means there is stuff hanging everywhere and one has to duck to move around the room.

Hmm last saturday was Breakout reunion. I must admit i had mixed feelings about going, call me old but over the years its lost its touch somewhat, the socialising that is. Or maybe its as someone said, id rather spend meaningful time with those close to me than have a zillion acquaintances many of whom are years younger and well just dont have the same experiences as i!

Anyways gotta run, the kitchen is oozing yummy smells!! :D


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